The Right to Education and Egypt’s Prison Policies since 2013

This study investigates the right to education within Egyptian prisons following the July 2013 coup d'état and the challenges placing political detainees in confrontation with many authoritarian policies. Hence, it explores the guarantees of this right according to international law and treaties, then shifts to the aspect of local laws (e.g., the Organisation of Prisons Act and Egyptian Prison Regulations) to illustrate these guarantees and areas of contradiction between international and Egyptian law. The study argues that Egyptian law prescribes authoritarian policies seeking to nullify the rights of political prisoners to education in prisons. The final section addresses policies on the rights of political prisoners to education in Egypt since 2013.

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This study investigates the right to education within Egyptian prisons following the July 2013 coup d'état and the challenges placing political detainees in confrontation with many authoritarian policies. Hence, it explores the guarantees of this right according to international law and treaties, then shifts to the aspect of local laws (e.g., the Organisation of Prisons Act and Egyptian Prison Regulations) to illustrate these guarantees and areas of contradiction between international and Egyptian law. The study argues that Egyptian law prescribes authoritarian policies seeking to nullify the rights of political prisoners to education in prisons. The final section addresses policies on the rights of political prisoners to education in Egypt since 2013.
