Judiciable Independence in Morocco: Constitutional Guarantees, Current Practice, and Prospects

Volume المجلد الثالث|Issue 6| May 2023 |Articles


​This research offers insight into an issue that is crucial to understanding Morocco's constitutional, institutional, and legal framework. To achieve this goal, it examines the historical context of judicial independence, delves into the structural changes that have taken place, and then focuses on the essential pillars that should be in place for a truly independent court to exist. It also explores the difficulties and limitations that these shifts in practice bring up. The first section of this research examines the features and qualities of constitutional and legal protections for judicial independence. In the second section, the paper looks at the current state of judicial independence in Morocco using a variety of indicators and data that show that, despite improvements, the country still has to make more strides to cement judicial independence in practice. This research ends with a series of recommendations for improving the independence of Morocco's judicial system.

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